Saturday, October 23, 2010

What foods should u not guzzle when u hold the adjectives stomach virus?

i know u aren't supposed to eat spicy foods and stuff but what else. i hold the virus right now and i ate soup and candy is that ok?What foods should u not guzzle when u hold the adjectives stomach virus?
Probably best to stick to river for a while. Cola is recommended. then on to soup.
The standard rule is clear fluids for the first 24 hours., then mild foods for a daytime or two.
Soup is excellent because it is easy on the stomach and help replace lost fluid. Candy? No! (Although I am guilty of that...)
Try to avoid fruit because it sometimes causes diarrhea. Eat starchy foods similar to crackers and toast. Avoid dairy products because they cause gas surrounded by the tummy which makes nausea worse, although yogurt supposedly have baceteria in it that help settle down your digestive system.
Avoid all rich foods resembling cake, mac n cheese, etc. Not just spicy foods but any foods beside an extreme taste will fashion things worse. Anything that is exceedingly sweet, spicy, etc is something to stay away from. Eat bland food. Also eat soft foods that are jammy to throw other words, no potato chips!
Mint is a unconscious way to sustain ease nausea. A peppermint candy, gum, or a pattie might oblige. It will also cover up the vomit smell.
Avoid dairy products. Greasy and fatty foods. If you're vomiting I don't know if the candy is ok. That may not stay down. Try bland foods for a while like toast, applesauce.
Soup is right and dry bland foods like toast, soda crackers.

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