Monday, October 25, 2010

What is it similar to to rupture your Achilles muscle?

When doing cross-country running, as it has be really rainy lately, my friend Davie have to wear 21millimetre spikes on his shoes for grip.
If someone was running and slipped over and someone fell over him and their spike land on his ankle would it be able to rip the Achilles heel muscle in partly and if so what would happen?
How much anguish would it cause?
How would it be fixed?
How long would the rescue take?
How long would it be beforehand he could start running again?
Would there be greatly of blood?
And what would it fel like? I hear that the tendon slithers final up your calf as it is not connected, is this true?What is it similar to to rupture your Achilles muscle?
i have hear too that the muscle shoots up the back of your leg when it snaps and is incredibly raw... also that its a long painful repossession, all around desperate deal.
im not so sure abt that,coz i've never be through one cant help much.

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