Saturday, October 16, 2010

What can I use as a make-shift lint for my wrist?

My wrist is killing me but I can find my ace wrapping to wrap it in. I want to put bengay on my wrist and wrap it. What can I use as a substitute?What can I use as a make-shift lint for my wrist?
If it's related to carpul-tunnel syndrome, try anti-inflammatory meds, approaching ibuprofen. You can make a splint near a rag or bandana, but I really like the wrist bandages from the store because they have a stiff back on them, and wrapped up tight next to velcro. Ace bandage didn't do it for me.
Pantyhose. Or if you don't hold that, something with for a moment stretch but pressure, like a weaken trouser sock.
Hope that helps!
use some cloth..Like a kitchen tablecloth or old shirt.. and but some cassette around that to hold it..

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