Saturday, October 16, 2010

What can I do to be paid a grate on my forehead smaller number noticeable?

When I was swimming surrounded by a concrete wave pool at Kings Island I scraped my forehead and very soon there is a big red/brown tear that is really noticable! I've be using Neosporin and a mederma like salve. But it hasn't changed much. Also it bled once. Are there any faster ways to craft my scrape gone?
PS- Plz give support to me it hurts, and it makes me look unusual! Thanx!What can I do to be paid a grate on my forehead smaller number noticeable?
ok, well, i dont know how to label the pain step away but if you want it less noticible buy "pankace makeup" which is a really pious coverup but sometimes hard to find. move about to walmart or you buy a make- up appling sponge, put it under sea, then put it within the make up and put it on you forehead. for extra coverage, use regular cover up first next put the pankace make up on. hope this help! good luck! :)
Well I be going to suggest Mederma, but since you've already tried that, you should look for a product called "Scar Zone" It's features of the same item.
Good Luck and God Bless!
I wouldn't put make-up on an widen cut.Just put a big fake mole on your collar,and everyone will be staring at the mole instead of your fore-head.
Time will heal your skin.
But you could amendment your hair style, and hold bangs cover the rake over.

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