Saturday, October 16, 2010

What cause rime crem headachs?

What cause rime crem headachs?
the coldness
ice cream
its a neurological aversion to the cold.
When you eat the cold rime cream it touches the palate of your mouth. The coldness sets off nerves above your palate which control the blood flow to your person in charge. The nerves tell the blood vessel in your skipper to swell up so that your brain will warm up. The swelling of the blood vessel causes the headache.
Dr. Oz on Oprah say it is the blood vessels surrounded by the brain constricting.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not just these but for almost all bleeding diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , boil, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their cause. None of them can be treated with pills. Our 100% success surrounded by treating migraine &H/A confirms it.
Icecream is cold thing. It increases the coldness vigour in your body. This coldness vim is responsible for pain. Hence the H/A.
It is acute; pl survey a painful point 3-6 mm trailing your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear in 30 seconds.
R.H. – 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector – 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

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